When I was in high school, I heard a lot of buzz about a movie called The Deer Hunter, a dark drama about the Vietnam War. It starred Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep, and a newcomer named
I fell instantly in Fan Love with Christopher Walken. He was intense and beautiful. SUPER intense. Beautiful in a cold, statue-like way, but increible.
I next saw him in The Dead Zone, and a terrific little movie that didn't get enough attention, Brainstorm. He was the leading man in those odd films, but it didn't seem like he was really comfortable with that.
The next time I remember seeing him, was in Biloxi Blues, where he had a dreadful southern accent, that was so bad it made the character more funny, to me. His normal speaking voice is very much a New Yorker.
Now he does character roles. He's rarely one of the leads. That's fine.
Walken is one of those rare actors that is eminently watchable. I have seen him in some bad movies, but I have never seen him give a bad performance.
Michael and I started watched a movie this weekend called Seven Psychopaths, which is interesting but terrible. Somebody's head gets shot every few minutes, and there were more people engulfed in flames in this film than I've ever seen onscreen in ANY one movie. However, Chris Walken is the one bright spot in the film. His character is the only one that seems real, and the audience can identify with him more than any of the others.
I saw him interviewed [see below] and it didn't seem like he was all that interesting but talking ABOUT him is interesting. Strange phenomena.
The point is, though, that Christopher Walken movies should always be seen. If you hate the movie, I am certain that you will like watching Walken. He's always watchable, always interesting.