Thursday, June 16, 2005
Alesia’s behavior continues to be good. Maybe she was just feeling the stress last weekend – lord knows I was stressed out enough.
Mother is having a rough time of it at Manor Care. Some of the nurses are good and respond quickly, and sometimes not. Last night she had a bad night, coughing a lot. Today she had a bout of nausea and threw up after rehab. Then she refused to eat any dinner at all, even just saltines.
Bruce found a private sitter to stay with her at night, and just be there to help her. Tonight will be the first night. I met her and she seems competent. Her aunt is a nurse at the center. We think this will be a good thing – we hope so anyway. The daytime staff seems to be much more responsive than the nighttime staff, so that’s less worrisome.
They’re piling on the cases at work. I can handle it, so far. Kind of irritates me they chose right now, when I am so stressed out, to do it. We have 2 paralegals out on leave at the moment, so maybe when they get back from leave things will ease up.
I am having a stressful time just keeping up with everything, plus monitoring Mom, trying to arrange childcare, etc. This afternoon I cried a lot. I talked to Bruce and he said Mother wasn’t a happy camper, and it upset me, particularly knowing I couldn’t go and help. I cried some more in the car after I left work. I hate feeling so weak, but then again maybe it’s therapeutic to cry.
Bruce left tonight when I got to the rehab center. He had to go home to work all weekend. I miss him. He said he would be back Monday. My childcare for next week is iffy and I may need him to help with that. He and Alesia get along great. She seems to adore him. He plays with her. It’s so good for her to have a positive father-figure in her life.
Tomorrow, Mom will be alone all day until I can get there tomorrow night. I hate that, but there’s nothing I can do. I am thinking about taking Coco on the leash and letting Alesia sit on the porch with her, though. They have a nice porch with rocking chairs. We might could induce Mom to go out there and see Coco. Or maybe that could happen Saturday. I can’t plan but a day at a time.
I made plans to go to my cousin Frann’s daughter’s wedding in Augusta next weekend. I won’t be gone but one day, and Lesleigh is going to house-sit. I told Mom I would get folks to check on her while I’m gone and she said that’s fine. We both want Alesia to attend a wedding, and knowing Frann I’m sure it will be beautiful. I also look forward to seeing my Thompson cousins that I seldom get to see. I just pray Mom is a lot better by then.