Friday, June 3, 2005
My mother fell yesterday and broke both of her shoulders. She is 71 years old. She had surgery tonight - pins and rods put in her left shoulder, which was the worst. I spent all afternoon and evening at the hospialt yesterday, and most of the day today.
I am coping, but very tired. Alesia stayed with a neighbor last night. Tonight my dear cousin Lesleigh is with her and helping us out. I prefer Alesia to stay home with Coco and be in her familiar envrionment.
Alesia drew a beautiful, sweet card for her Granny. She has helped out a lot around the house - even put up all my clean clothes tonight. She is a love.
I'm taking everything day by day and praying a lot. My friends are wonderful help.
Don't know when I will be able to post. more later.