Friday, June 17, 2005
It’s been a very strange day.
Coco slept with Alesia last night – she’s used to sleeping with someone, and it kept her from barking all night. When Bruce is here she sleeps with him. Coco woke up at 5 and Alesia took her downstairs, then Alesia says she came back up and went back to bed. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but she was in a foul humor when I went to awaken her at 6:30, and she was coming up from downstairs then, which I’d never seen before…
I felt nauseated and sleepy all day at work. I finally got done the things that had to be done today, and left at 2:30. I told my boss I felt like I was going to throw up, which was true. When you say that, bosses rarely argue about you leaving.
I picked up Alesia at Bronwyn’s, and took her to get a happy meal. She said she was hungry. We had a NDE – near death experience. A van turned right in front of me – I couldn’t believe it. I had to swerve wildly and go up over the curb to prevent impact. It happened in a nanosecond. I sat on my horn and the SOB driver never pulled over, just sped away. I was shaking - I almost pulled the car over.
Only good thing about the NDE – my nausea went away. Weird phenomenon.
I invited Elena Barr to come play this afternoon. She and Alesia had a great time. Elena is the little 14 year old who was adopted with her brother and sister a couple of years ago by a family that lives very close by. She and Alesia played in the backyard for a long time, then came in and watched TV. I hope I can set up more playdates. Alesia was more relaxed than I’ve seen her in a long time.
We went to see Mother after dropping off Elena at 6. Alesia took her Walkman and a videogame. She did fine.
Mother was sitting in a chair watching TV when I got there, which was good. She’s still pretty foggy mentally from the drugs, though. She has moments of lucidity, then she says something wacky. The night nurse called me this afternoon and said Mother was awake half the night and wanted to chat. Mom said she got 4-5 hours’ sleep, which is pretty good in a place like that. I told the night nurse we want her back for several more nights, then we will re-evaluate Mom’s condition.
After leaving Mother, Alesia and I went to the DeKalb Farmer’s Market, which is nearby. Alesia loves going grocery shopping, and the farmer’s market has all sorts of exotic foods. We don't buy anything too exotic but we love to look. Among other things, we got some pistachio nuts, small seafood quiches [dinner], strawberries, bananas, etc.
Lesleigh says she can’t keep Alesia for me Monday, so I will have to improvise. I need to think fast, since Bruce probably can’t get here until 2 or 3 at the earliest and she gets out of school at 11:30. Maybe I can take her to Tim and Maxi’s…
I feel somewhat better about Mom, but far from peaceful. I am so tired mentally and emotionally.