Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I had a lot of replies to my posting last night on the Yahoo board. All of us adoptive moms have experienced similar thoughtless remarks. It’s good to release the feelings with others who understand, though. I depend on the board – I think of the single moms as “cyber friends” silly though that may sound…
I was sleepy all day. I have to get more sleep tonight.
In the car on the way to school this morning Alesia and I talked about her birthday. I asked her several questions, then I said “What kind of cake do you want?” She sighed and said finally, “Mom, I don’t want know. I want surprise.” Fair enough. Maybe she just has too many choices now, in America – before, she had no choices at all. I will probably buy a small cake at the little bakery near my office.
I had a good visit with Bruce last night. He had to go back today. I wish he could’ve stayed longer.
Bruce was there this morning when Mom got her breakfast. Her nurse made her eat it herself – first time she’d fed herself in almost a month. Her arms and hands are still weak and shaky but she can function a little. Bruce said sheepishly, “She conned me into feeding her her lunch.” One meal is still a breakthrough.
Mom and I talked about bathroom issues. As per her wishes, I am getting the handyman to install a taller toilet and grab bar in her bathroom, to help her balance. She requested it, and that’s OK. I don’t want her to fall again, though the bathroom is so small that would be difficult.
Alesia and Julie went to see “Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D” this afternoon. I am glad she had an outing. Of course, she wanted to wear the 3-D glasses all evening…