I didn't have time to post last night, but I found myself typing a rather long e-mail today so I thought I'd reproduce it here.
I casually asked Alesia last night how she would feel about having a little sister, and she said OK. I asked her if we went to the Ukraine to get a little one, would she like to come with me and interpret for me? And help me pick out a child? I tried to be very casual about it, just to see what she’d say. She said she wasn’t sure; she might like to stay with Granny. I reassured her I wasn’t totally sure I wanted to do it, and it probably wouldn’t be for at least a year. She didn’t act negative towards the idea at all, which I took as a good sign.
I figured out that since my company gives a $3,000 adoption grant, and I will probably get another fat $6-7,000 tax refund check [you get a $7K tax credit the year the adoption is final] that I can afford one from the Ukraine. I found a lady who helps people adopt from there without an agency, and says the cost is only around $10K. I am thinking I’d like a little girl maybe 5-7 years old. This is all contingent on finances, selling the condo, Mom’s health, Alesia’s approval, etc. But I just don’t want her to be an only child.
When my mother was sick I thought to myself, there’s no way I could possibly get through this nightmare without my brother. He was my rock. I would’ve had to take a leave of absence from work if not for him. Siblings are important for that kind of support. I also want Alesia to have a sibling, so when I’m gone she won’t feel alone.
We spent 1.5 hours doing homework last night, finally finishing at 9:50. Then I had to help Mother get ready for bed while Alesia brushed her teeth and got herself ready. That takes longer now – she has to do 2 different mouth rinses because the dentist found a cavity the other day – her first – and I don’t want a repeat of that. She never got fluoride treatments in Russia, I’m sure.
She is chattering away a LOT more now. It’s amazing and gratifying. We had a discussion the other night about the importance of her getting a college scholarship. She said she understood. I reinforced it last night. The homework took so long because she forgot to bring her books home on Monday. Then I realized she didn’t know most of the key vocabulary words and made her get her dictionary and look them up, and write them down, then re-read. I told her she MUST write down all words she doesn’t know and review them later and get the definitions, then re-read. I told her this year will be a tough one. I think/hope/pray that this made an impression. She’s so smart, but she needs a push to get her motivated. Mom said I showed remarkable patience. I thought it was sorta fun really. I like reading her Georgia Studies book.
We may ride up to the mountains this weekend and take a picnic. Alesia has never been to our mountains, I don’t think. I can’t remember if I took her when we got home. Don’t think so…