Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Today it is exactly two months since Mom fell. When I pointed that out to her she said: "Thank God I am at home in my own bed, with my own little family. How thankful I am."
Mother is doing much better. She has decided to try staying all day by herself without a nurse. She said today went fine. Alesia is here to help her. I came home on my lunch hour and took her to therapy at the rehab center.
Since we saw the doctor last week, he prescribed more rigorous physical therapy for Mother. She said today was a real workout. She had to take extra pain medicine when we got home. We're monitoring her intake on that.
We're still having the night nurse for a few more days, but that's mainly just insurance, to make sure Mom can manage by herself. I am just concerned about her getting up several times a night to go to the potty and falling. She can get out of bed on her own and manage in the bathroom pretty much on her own, so that's a lot of progress.
Alesia was a good girl all day. We have discussed her behavior and I think she understands the terms "obey" and "privilege."
We had a "Russian" dinner - pilmeni [dumplings] and buckwheat [like rice]. I bought it at the Russian grocery store. Then we watched "Tootsie." Alesia liked it. She had never seen it. I had forgotten how funny it was.