Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I had a small skirmish with Alesia this morning over her hair – they were taking school photos and I made her get up early and shower, so her hair would look pretty and fluffy. She usually showers at night. She used too much conditioner and her hair was not fluffy, and I lost my temper. Not a shining moment for me. I finally just said “Do what you want.” To my surprise, she pulled it back in a clip and it looked OK.
Bronwyn couldn’t pick her up from school, so I left work early and got Mother, and we picked up Alesia. She said she knew all the questions on the Ga. Studies test and felt like she had done well, thank God.
Alesia said the math tutor helped her this morning, thank goodness. Alesia has a math test next Tuesday. I dread studying for that. She also has a project due the same day and I have no idea how to do it, or even what it is – the teacher said she’d send home something tomorrow.
I have planned to take to take Alesia to a Braves game on Sunday. We also wanted to try and get some boxes unpacked from the garage. Plus groceries, etc. It’s going to be a busy weekend.
I spoke to my Aunt Diddy tonight, as I was very worried about her daughter, my cousin Terri, who lives near Houston. Diddy said Terri and her children and husband are leaving tomorrow to stay with friends in Texarkana, so hopefully they will be out of danger. It’s 6 hours north.
It’s gotten so I don’t want to turn on the TV any more. I don’t want to see the terrible images of devastation. I pray, I give money, I don’t know what else to do.