November 29, 2005
Tuesdays are always hectic, because I have to rush home from work and take Alesia to her jazz dance class. It's her only formal extracurricular activity, so I want her to go, but it's a pain. She loves it, and is always in a good mood afterwards.
She is excited because she is going to Dahlonega tomorrow to pan for gold in the mountains - how this teaches science I don't know. She is much more excited about packing her lunch and getting to ride on a bus than anything else, I suspect.
Usually she eats lunch at school. Tomorrow she has to take it - last night when I asked her what she wanted to take she yelled "Hamburger and french fries!" I had to explain how the hamburger would be cold and nasty by the time they ate lunch, and she was irritated. She will take a sandwich, some Ritz crackers, and an apple. She wants to pack it, naturally.
I went to Target at lunch and found a few little Christmas gift items. Most importantly, I found these really adorable stockings for each of us, and Coco, and stocking holders shaped like presents. They really make the mantle look festive.
I'm hoping we can get the tree decorated in the next week or so. Horace put it up in the living room and it looks fine there. Now we just have to get out in the messy garage and find the boxes with the decorations.
I've decided not to put pressure on myself to really diet during the holidays, but I am cutting way back on the sweets and starchy foods, and trying to up my activity level. I can get down to serious dieting in January, hopefully.
My brother finally called tonight - we hadn't heard from him in a while. He sounded like he was in a good mood. We discussed my condo and why it hasn't sold, and Christmas gifts. He got Alesia a 10 speed bicycle, which I'm sure she will love.
He took home a very old toy chest of Mother's some months ago from the Augusta house, and when he was cleaning it up to refinish it, he found a penny stuck in the bottom. It's a wheat penny dated 1936 - from about the time Mom got it, as a toddler. He said it's in excellent condition.
I found a wonderful website today called Vanishing Georgia, which has tons of old photos. I found a photo of my grandfather Hasty on the baseball field in 1920. I want to really go look at that one day when I have time.