Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Alesia trick or treated in her angel costume tonight, looking adorable. I tried to download the photos but the camera needed batteries and wouldn’t cooperate. Aaargh. I fixed her makeup, and although it was subtle, it was very effective. A glimpse of things to come…
I answered the door in my witch hat and cape, but it was hard to look scary when I was just babbling at the cute kids in their costumes. I’m so glad we live in a safe neighborhood where kids trick or treat.
I ordered several DVD’s for Alesia for her Gotcha Day present, even though it’s not until November 14. One of the DVD’s is the History Channel’s series on Russian history. Excellent series of films, very colorful and entertaining. I am enjoying them much more than Alesia, LOL. I am just trying to foster an interest in history in her. I also got a DVD set about important dates in American history, and a DVD about Heroes of the Bible.
Alesia’s last day at Lindamood Bell is Friday. Next week she needs to go back to more tutoring. I just haven’t found anyone yet. I may end up doing a couple of hours myself at night - really a tough thing to do after working all day. Mother says she doesn’t have the patience. Bronwyn’s sister won’t return my calls, which is weird. I’ve gotten a couple of resumes from the postings I did on local college bulletin boards and Craigslist, but nobody that looks promising.
I have an appointment on Thursday afternoon to take Mother downtown for her criminal background check. I am nervous about it. I know exactly where to go and if it were up to me, I’d park and walk. Mother, however, can’t walk even a few blocks, and I will have to drop her off and go park, then get the car, pick her off, and go to the next office – there are two of them we have to hit. I am going to see if Lesleigh can take us, but I doubt it. I am too pessimistic to assume that this means I will finally get the 171H. It will speed up the process, for sure, but who knows how much?
My friend Maria put me in touch with a freelance writer who is a neighbor of hers, and she might do an article about Jack’s New Family, for the local paper or even possibly a magazine. Or not. Maria said she’s rather eccentric. It’s worth a shot. She was adopted herself, so has more than a passing interest in the topic. I am exploring all marketing options at this point.
We went to Athens on Sunday to see my friend Gary’s new house and have a visit with him. The house is very nice, 3 bedrooms, with a backyard that’s mostly woods. He is getting it furnished in a masculine, eclectic style. We drove around campus and Mother saw her old dorms, and I saw mine. We got out on old North Campus and walked Alesia around, showing her things. Gary is a great teacher and Alesia loves to learn, so they get along great. Gary complimented us later on how well she is doing – much more verbally expressive and engaged.