Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I just looked and realized I haven't posted in days. Oops...
We had an interesting weekend. Alesia had PMS and there were a few times she was so snotty I was sorely tempted to slap her. When we got in the car Monday morning to go to her therapy session she got a 35 minute lecture about being respectful. She stayed awake, I'll give her that much.
We are doing the therapy at Lindamood Bell this week and next and that's it. I can't afford more. That place truly has worked miracles. Alesia's reading comprehesion has skyrocketed and she's just done so well.
My cousin Lesleigh who is living in my unsold condo is sick. I don't know when she will be able to buy the condo now, if ever. She's convinced she has some horrible condition or disease from using a pesticide for fleas. I think she's sick, but not silicosis, just an allergy to the pesiticide. She had the carpets cleaned and all her furniture hauled away, but I'm doubtful there is any real danger there. The hard part is she's a good friend and when I moved her in there it was a good thing - got her away from an abusive boyfriend. But she hasn't gotten a job or paid me any rent, and I have to get some soon, or sell the place. She got laid off right before leaving the boyfriend.
I am still waiting on the paper from Immigration before I can finish my Kazakhstan dossier. It's so frustrating. A friend at work was saying I'll probably get it after the election, that that's the problem. I don't see how that makes sense, but she probably is right. Everything is political...
I am still waiting on the original illustrations from Russia before I can finish my book.
So I'm just waiting and waiting. So frustrating...