Saturday, November 4, 2006
It’s been a non-stop day, and I can hardly believe it’s winding down now. Next week I want to do as little as possible.
Bronwyn came this morning and spent 3 hours with Alesia. She then had a 1:30 dance class [a makeup class since they canceled the Tuesday class because of Halloween]. We then went to the Russian store and bought some treats for my friend Liza’s girls, for Luda’s birthday tomorrow. We came home and met with Gabriella [the new tutor and our neighbor]. Fixed dinner, ate it [soup, sautéed zucchini, pasta salad]. Watched movie “Pay It Forward.” Whew!
While Alesia was being tutored this morning, I first spent a lot of teeth-grinding time at the kitchen table paying bills. Too many bills, too little cash to go around. Thank goodness Granny pays most of the house expenses.
I then spent a couple of hours at the publishers, putting together how the book will look, designing the covers [in final], and making decisions about things. It was a very productive meeting. So exciting to see my book take shape, before my eyes. I want Kate to check the translation one final time, then it can be fine-tuned, and ordered from the printer. I might get a couple of advance copies to send to reviewers. Wow, I’m a real author, at last!
I am back on the diet. I am hoping and praying to find the motivation to stay on it. The thought of getting fussed at by the doctor next week is one thing. The real motivation is being in better shape when I go to Kazakhstan in a few months. I don’t want to look like a totally fat slob when I meet my boy.
Tonight, a small moment of victory. Alesia and I were watching Pay It Forward, a good movie that was unfairly slammed by critics when it came out a few years ago. At the end, Alesia cried a little bit. One of the main characters dies. It was a breakthrough, I felt. She actually cried for a human being. She has always said only movies about animals make her cry.
I am pondering putting my condo back on the market. Lesleigh still hasn’t gotten a job, and it seems unlikely to happen soon. She has returned to the condo, since she was told the other day she just had an allergic asthma reaction to the fleakiller powder she put on the carpet.
The condo is a big financial burden. I need to get out from under those payments. However, the condo market stinks right now, and with the holidays coming up it’s not a great time to list a property. Lesleigh says she will keep the place clean so I can show it. I suggested she get a roommate, so that person could pay her some rent, which she could then give to me. I am torn. I am just praying God will tell me the right answer.