Sunday, January 14, 2007
I was able to send out the e-mail below to everyone in my address book, tonight:
With great excitement, I can finally announce that my first book, Jack’s New Family, is available to purchase! YAY!
Ilya is an 8 year old boy who has lived his whole life in an orphanage in Russia. Now that he's been adopted, he must adjust to life in America with his new mom and older sister, learn English, and try to become an American boy named Jack. As he tells the story in his own words, he marvels at the many differences between an American home and a family, and his experiences as an orphan.
With text in both English and Russian, Jack’s New Family is a valuable resource for kids who have been recently adopted, or parents who are adopting an older child. It’s also a fascinating story for any child, to give them a better understanding of how to be brave when having to start a new life in a new place.
See link below.
Please order a copy – proceeds will go to a good cause – helping me with the expenses of my boy’s adoption! Also, PLEASE send this out to everyone you know, near and far, and let them know it’s available. You can say you personally know the author!
I am having a little Drop-In party this weekend, and I will sign copies of the book. I am so excited!
We've had a nice weekend.
Alesia had her first Drawing/Painting Class at the Spruill Center yesterday. The class is just for teens. She enjoyed it immensely, it was obvious. While she did that, Mother and I went to lunch and then the Fresh Market.
Today, Mother's arthritis in her hips was acting up, so she didn't make it to church. Alesia and I did though, and we finally started Sunday School. I liked my class a lot. We are reading The Active Life, A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caring, by Parker Palmer. The Pastor teaches the class himself, and he says he's read the book many times. I have yet to read it but it looks very interesting.
Alesia said in her Sunday School class they studied the passage from Luke that says if your enemy hits you, turn the other cheeck. When she was telling me about it, she remarked "If somebody hit me, I would hit them back!" I just laughed and didn't argue with her. She has had to be tough to survive everything she's been through.
The other kids in the class talked her into going to youth group tonight, which she really enjoyed. I dropped her off at 5 and picked her up at 7. She said they had supper, played kickball, read the bible, sang, and talked. The youth ministry is very popular with the teens. The great thing is, she met kids she will be at Lakeside with next year, so she won't feel so alone. She needs kids to talk to and play with. She said "Mom! Some of them have pimples, too!" I had told her everyone gets pimples but she didn't believe me!
We went to the mall this afternoon and I got the last of my gifts I have to take to Kazakhstan - ten gifts in all, 4 for men, 6 for women. I got two calendars of Ga. scenes and two Braves tee shirts for the men, various soap and makeup/toiletry items for the women. I also found my boy some cute toys yesterday at Michael's when we got Alesia's art supplies.
So we've had a very busy weekend, but I got almost everything I wanted to do, done, including taking down and storing the remaining Christmas ornaments, and finishing the photo album for my son. Only thing I ran out of time on was blowing off the pinestraw and cones from the front yard, but that can wait. I'm hoping I can trsnafer that chore to Alesia, but first I have to learn to use the blower.
I hope LOTS of books get ordered and I can put some of the profits away for adoption expenses, soon!