This will be a disjointed post, I fear, because there are a lot of things in my head, but not the ability to compose a cohesive essay, I'm afraid.
I should have responded to a comment about squash the other day, I think. You can take any sort of squash or zucchini or even bell peppers [I have personal knowledge of these], wash and chop them, stick them in a freezer bag, and freeze them. Thaw and prepare months later and they are fine, as long as you sealed the bag well. Freezing your own veggies has to be better than buying them, I feel sure.
However, Mother says that frozen veggies are better than what you buy in the produce section because they haven't been shipped thousands of miles. The veggies are usually quick frozen just after picking, when they are ripe.
I have an aunt who has frozen bread, and thawed out a few pieces at a time. I think that's fine, if keeping an entire loaf means it's going to get stale or turn green. We tend to take nearly-stale or stale bread we know we won't eat, and let Michael pinch it up and put it out for the squirrels and birds. It always disappears quickly.
There is controversy over at my son's soccer organization, and I was pretty stunned to learn of it the other day from a neighbor. Apparently the coaches were all let go last spring and they have a new crop, and there is a group of parents who got mad and left and just formed their own soccer league. We saw a guy on a busy street corner passing out flyers about it last Saturday, which was a little weird. I want to be neutral, like Switzerland, in this. However, I am not sure if I can. I want Alesia to have a sport she can enjoy, and the original outfit may not have enough girls in her age group for a team this fall. So I might want to switch to the league where she can play. However, then I don't know if I would want to switch Michael or not. If he could walk to practice at the middle school, it would be tempting. I don't know how this will all work out. I will admit I am apprehensive.
Last night, Alesia started off her movie viewing by sitting in her little chair, leaning back against the heavy coffee table in the family room. I was on the loveseat and Michael was on the sofa. After about 30 minutes, he wanted to come sit with me. So he sat snuggled up against me for a while. Remember, I had moved to the loveseat so he wouldn't feel crowded on the sofa. Then he decided to move back to the sofa. Then Alesia announced her back hurt, and she switched places with Michael. I stayed on the loveseat. Coco went from person to person, licking faces as much as possible. It was a relaxed evening.
The other day I did something really frivolous and went hunting around on YouTube for videos of old songs I like. I saved them to my Facebook profile, so now I can go on there and play them. [I know, most people just download old songs to their IPod but I am a techno-idiot, remember.] I get up every moning and check email to see if anything has come in from my brother in Iraq while I was sleeping. Today I spent a few minutes playing a video of a song I haven't heard in a while, and the song is IN MY HEAD blaring all day long!!! Arrgh! It's Todd Rundgren's Can We Still Be Friends. There's a little catchy piano riff in it that will NOT stop playing in my head. It's maddening.
You may remember Todd wrote the catchy little song called "I Don't Want to Work I Just Want to Bang on the Drum All Day." There used to be a radio station here that played it every Friday at 5, as people were getting in their cars to start their commutes.
The other two songs I really liked and saved are "Life in a Northern Town" by Dream Academy [] and "You Get What You Give" by the New Radicals []. I think what I really like about both songs is that they came out in the 80's but they had more intelligence and less pop synth sounds than so much of what was popular then. When I listen to them, particularly the Dream Academy song, it makes me very nostalgic.
I don't know why everythign is green now. I can't change it. Yet another annoyance of trying to post...