I woke up with a wicked sunburn on my shoulders. My plan was to lounge under the umbrella and read all afternoon yesterday, but it was so hot I found myself venturing out to get wet, and then a brief swim with Michael, and today I realized my stupidity in thinking no sunscreen was needed on my shoulders. Aaaargh!
Alesia's face and chest got a little red. She tans so beautifully, it's rare to see her with sunburn or even a red tinge, but she was definitely burned yesterday. I had asked her if she put on sunscreen and she said yes. She and Mike have been giong to the pool in the late afternoon when the burn level is lower.
For me, being able to spend more than 15 minutes reading is such a delicious luxury. Before I had kids, I spent hours and hours reading. I used to find an author I liked and read everything they had written - like Diana Gabaldon. As TV degenerated into the reality-show mess it has become, I found myself watching less and less TV in favor of reading a good book.
I would however spend a lot of time watching shows like A&E's America's Castles. I never missed that show. I still have very clear mental pictured of Mark Twain's house, and the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Chicago, etc. I find houses fascinating.
This is close to my "dream house" - a Victorian with a wraparound porch:
I was absolutely horrified to learn that a kangaroo attacked a zookeeper at the Atlanta zoo yesterday. Here's the link: http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/living/stories/2008/07/29/kangaroo_zoo_atlanta_attack.html
NOW do you understand why I have a morbid fear of kangaroos?! Any 6 foot tall, 141 lb. giant rat will scare the crap out of anybody!
I am pondering how to cut my spending and live more frugally. I hate to ponder this. I am not a person who is extravagant in any way. I detest clothes shopping and rarely buy clothes. I don't buy much of anything "extra" except the occasional book. I have become a faithful Goodwill shopper. However, I blow too much money on things like eating lunch at work every day, and trips to the movies.
Another small extravagance is that I don't skimp on plants and things for the yard. So I am pondering growing my own seedings next spring and saving money on that. That way, at least, I could save money on flowers and veggies, which are my main hobbies in the warm months - which means March - October, here. I am also planning another compost area.
If you have ideas on good companies to order seeds from, let me know.
My resistance to sound money management stems, I am sure, from the fact that my father was such a fanatic about money. Every January he would announce dramatically "We spent TOO MUCH money on Christmas and we're going on an austerity program around here!" This "program" meant chiefly that he would yell at Mother about the grocery bills and any items of clothing she purchased. After he died, she went out and bought a whole new wardrobe, and Bruce and I applauded her on that. She also had to learn to balance a checkbook and deal with finances, which Dad had never allowed, but she did a great job.
[NOTE: I posted a review of Journey to the Center of the Earth on my Scribblerchick blog. Check it out!]