Tomorrow is the first day of July.
YAY! I have already flipped both calendars to July. June was not a great month
in so many ways, chief among them because I was laid off, of course.
My brother got in pretty late last
night, and we had a short visit before everyone headed off to bed. This
morning, I was the first one up, as always, and out the door to water the
garden. I made a cup of tea and was eating some cereal before the Major even
came downstairs. Highly unusual, but he had a long day yesterday.
Within a short time, the kids were
packed and headed off to the North Georgia mountains to camp at Amicalola Falls State Park. Being a
mom, even though Bruce assured me there was plenty of food and water in the
truck, I had to do certain things. I had to interrogate him about his medical
kit. I had to pack a small backpack with apples, oranges, bottles of water, and
a sleeve of Ritz crackers. I had to pack extra towels and light blankets in a bag
with extra flashlights, soap, a small sewing kit, and salt and pepper. I went
over the packing list with Michael. I checked his bag. When he wasn’t looking, I slipped his
pocket knife, camera, and a yoyo into his backpack.
I pulled Alesia aside and told her
to look after Michael and be a little mommy if he needed her. I pulled Michael
aside and told him if Bruce wasn’t around [like in the shower or the bathroom] to look after Alesia and protect her.
I pulled Bruce aside and quietly told him that Michael needs lots of hugs and
Alesia is afraid of the dark. I told all of them to look after each other. Am I
nervous? Anxious? No. Of course not.
Well, not until after they left.
Then Mother decides to tell me that Bruce said he would only tell the kids one
rule: if they see a bear, get under the truck. Huh? A BEAR? He took my babies
out where there are BEARS???!! I was
sorely tempted to drink my lunch out of the Harvey’s Bristol Crème bottle I
have stashed away. [I didn’t though! Nothing but cooking wine has touched my
lips in more than 4 years.]
Now, I won’t say I miss the kids,
but look at the photo below of Coco. The look on her face is exactly how I
feel. I miss my babies. The house is way too quiet.
I spent the afternoon working on
book marketing and talking to a couple of different friends on the phone. For
dinner, Mother and I split the leftover shrimp dip from the party and some
leftover beef stew from last night. We watched CNN and the coverage of Michael’s
Jackson’s death spectacle. Obviously he was super talented, but now it’s coming
out how screwed up he was also. What a tragedy. I just hope and pray his
children stay together and wind up in a loving home.
Bruce called late this afternoon. I
talked to both the kids. They had their campsite set up and everything was
going well. I could hear in their voices that they are having fun. I just hope
they can sleep tonight.
When Michael was with his birthmom
and they were homeless I know he slept outside a lot. I hope the camping
experience doesn’t bring back bad memories.
Alesia took this photo of Mike the
other day and I just love it. He was at the pool, and happy.
Here are a couple of photos Alesia made at
the aquarium a couple of weeks ago. Top - Anya, Alesia, and Frank's wife Laura. Bottom, Mike and his friend Clay.
My friend Cindy posted a lovely
review of my book on her blog. Check it out. Thanks,
Cindy! Also, my friend Julia posted a nice review on her site, Brainella. Thanks!! Blessed are the current and former librarians!
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