When I started this entry it was 5:15 p.m. and Alesia and I were the only folks in the house awake. Mother, Michael, and Coco were all sound asleep.
The kids got back about 2:30. Mother and I were headed out to a late lunch. We hung out with Melissa and her girls for a few minutes listening to their tales of the weekend. I looked at Michael and thought, he is exhausted. He later told me he burned his mouth on a flaming hot s'more last night.
We finally got to Red Lobster and ate, while the kids regaled us with anecdotes about their wonderful camping experience. They got to go hiking, shop in Helen, GA, see an Oktoberfest parade [Helen is modeled on a German Alpine village, see below], go fishing, tell ghost stories, and eat deadly s'mores.
When they came back, the house seemed like a home again.
I let Alesia go out driving about 6. She has now done almost 8 hours of the 40 required to get her license. She is getting better all the time, too. I don't get pale and have heart palpitations any more.
We came home and she helped me make banana bread. Let's hope this time it's not dry.
Michael has homework to do, but he has been asleep for nearly 4 hours. I doubt he will wake up before tomorrow. That's OK. He needs his sleep. We can finish up his homework early in the morning.