I finally took the plunge and put internet access on my kids’ computer yesterday. They share a computer that stays in the family room, in clear view. Alesia is a junior in high school and Michael is in middle school, so they need internet access to do reports for school. I warned them if I see anything inappropriate on there, they will lose computer privileges for a month. We also loaded on anti-virus and Malware software, in hopes of preventing issues.
Alesia is already mad at me because I gave her a lecture about safe internet use. I try to remember, she's a teenager. Being pissed off at mom is perfectly normal...
We are in a weird weather state. I went to bed with the air on, because it gets hot and stuffy upstairs, then early this morning I turned on the heat so we wouldn’t freeze getting out of the shower. Mother went to bed with heat on, then got up in the night and turned on the air.
Michael had to write a skit about an explorer, for social studies class. I explained to him what a skit IS, and how to write dialogue, etc. and to his credit, he did a pretty good job of it. I cleaned it up a little and typed it for him last night, but I was really proud of how well he did that exercise. I told him this morning I am proud of how well he is doing. Kids need to hear positive reinforcement as much as possible.
I looked at my melon patch yesterday and wanted to cry. All my melons were black, from the excessive rain. No melons for us to eat. Back to the compost heap for winter…
In order to learn exactly why my daughter makes hair and makeup choices, I have discovered OK magazine. Back issues are kept in the kitchen at work. I was flipping through it today while I ate my sandwich at lunch and had several “Aha!” moments. Now I know why Alesia went ape recently when my cousin sent a box of clothes and it included a plaid shirt. I’ve never seen her so excited over a piece of clothing. Now I know all the chic vampires wear plaid. I also learned that blue eye shadow is like, totally cool again! One of the makeup models had her hair in two Swiss Miss type braids, and Alesia has started braiding her hair a lot. Now it all makes sense.
I encourage her to wear braids and bright blue eye shadow and plaid shirts because I like any look that makes her less beautiful, if you get my drift. Then I don’t worry about keeping the shotgun by the door.