It’s a cool rainy day, just like yesterday. I am not sure how this will play out in my house. Both the kids are invited to Halloween parties.
Michael is mad because I told him he can’t spend the night at his friend’s house tonight. I told him the last time I allowed it he stayed awake all night long and was a zombie the next day. Besides, he has had a cold the last week or so. So he is ticked. He kept arguing with me last night in the car to pick up Alesia from her party and I finally said “If you keep arguing you won’t go at all!”
Alesia got home from her party and was nearly manic with excitement. It’s very annoying when she gets that way. I asked her to turn off the porch light before coming upstairs and she retorted “What, you can’t do that yourself?!” At that point I yelled at her, I must admit.
The kids have been so engrossed in all things related to their cell phones that they have been refusing to do what they’re told and they have almost completely stopped being respectful the last day or so. I had to tell Michael 4 times to vacuum the family room yesterday – his regular Friday chore.
One good thing about email is this: I fired off an email to them both saying if they didn’t start being respectful [saying Yes M'am and No M'am] and obeying the first time they are told to do something, they will lose privileges like computer time, MP3, going to social events with friends, etc.
I know most parents of teens are not as strict as I am, but I will not allow disrespect or disobedience. I just won’t. I try not to be a drill sergeant, but a minimum level of compliance is required.
As I always tell them, when you get in the REAL WORLD, the sort of lazy, disrespectful behavior you prefer will not be tolerated by an employer or a boyfriend/girlfriend, not for long anyway.
I am going to tell them both that their rooms must be cleaned before 4 today or nobody is going anywhere, and Alesia has to clean her bathroom as well. Every once in a while I just get fed up with having a scruffy house and I get manic. I cleaned the kitchen and dining room yesterday, and will tackle more today. I cleaned my bathroom right after I got up, except for the tub. That’s Michael’s job.
On top of everything, I cannot get the Cher song “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves” out of my head…