Alesia and I went driving today, and she got on the interstate! It was so scary for us both, but she did fine. I didn’t think on a Sunday around noon there would be much traffic but I was so wrong! She went from one exit to the next, just a few miles, but she did fine. I, OTOH, had to, uh, weewee (Mother reads this or I would just say pee) and I thought we might not make it to the Kroger and a clean bathroom.
When you are losing weight (knock wood) you drink a lot of water and you tinkle all the time. It’s a small price to pay for deflating one’s enormous butt, I keep reminding myself.
After running a couple of errands, the kids set to work preparing our pumpkin – see below. Then they went to see some movie about teenaged vampires, called Cirque du Freak. I didn’t go. I went home and read a book. I did, however, take my kids and 3 more kids to the movie. They all said the ending was awful.
I refuse to see any movie with the word “freak” in the title. I couldn’t persuade them to see the Amelia Earhart movie, though..
Michael has been cranky all day. Mother and I both suspect he may be getting sick. Hope not. I may take him to the doctor, though…
Above, this is what happens when I try to take a photo of Alesia. Or below.
Fortunately, Michael is a little more cooperative..
Yes, he designed the pumpkin to look as though it's throwing up. He's 13.