It was a pretty dull day. I worked all day long. I am out of the habit. The day seemed to drag on endlessly. I am trying to get all my hours in before taking off for Thursday and Friday.
I sent out this email to some friends who have kids Mike's age, and I thought I'd share it with y'all, in hopes of getting some ideas:
Michael and I read together every night before bed. One of my cousins gave him the first two Harry Potter books last summer and we got totally caught up in them, and we are fixing to start the FINAL Harry Potter book! I must confess, I read ahead and finished the whole thing this weekend mostly hiding in the bathroom reading and staying up late at night because I couldn't stand the suspense!! If you have suggestions for another book series for a 6th-7th grade reading level, preferably with a boy protagonist - please let me know. Even if you can just think of one book he might like, that would be great. I read all the books aloud but he follows along the page with me. He learns how to pronounce English words that way, and his reading and spelling skills have really improved in the last few months. As his vocabulary grows I will transition him over to reading on his own.