[[OK, I am now officially TICKED OFF at Typepad, because I have tried about 10 times today to publish my blog and the dadgum computer keeps freezing up every single time I try to put in a photo. Aaargh! So here's the post, finally, and just forget the photos, for now.]]
I am deeply envious of my friends in Tennessee and North Carolina who got to play in the snow this weekend. Here in Atlanta? Rain. Cold, windy, and rainy. That was it. Today it’s in the 40’s and sunny.
My friend Stephanie captured her bunch so well on her blog, I wanted to share.
They live in North Carolina. Y’all up north are probably chuckling, but here in the south, anytime snow covers the ground it’s exciting, and when there’s enough to make a snowman and/or sled, the kids go nutso. It’s a novelty to us.
My friend Cindy L did the best post I have ever read about how to handle older kids when you adopt. Cindy writes so beautifully, I am always enlightened and inspired when I read her posts. She has faced such a tough situation in Kazakhstan, with little girls who were initially very reluctant to be adopted, just due to fear of the unknown, and Cindy and her husband and boys hung in there when most people would’ve fled. Additionally, Cindy has been in Kaz for more than a month and won’t be able to go home for another couple of weeks. She’s endured temps of 30 below, being sick, lack of decent food, etc. with great fortitude and cheerfulness. I am in awe of her and her whole family.
We had such a quiet day yesterday that there’s very little to write about. I am still not feeling 100%, but the kids have bounced back and are fine. I just can’t seem to shake this lingering cough.
I took the kids to the $5 movie place yesterday afternoon to see the newest Jackie Chan movie, The Spy Next Door - a surprisingly good movie. Jackie plays a spy who is retiring, and he’s in love with a woman with 3 young kids. He has to win over the kids.The only thing I didn’t like was that his love interest is 20 years younger. Why can’t a guy in his 50’s date a woman in her 50’s, or at least in her 40’s? Why does it always have to be a younger woman?
Another criticism I have is that there are Russian characters in there and they have horrible Russian accents. I mean, really idiotic. I can do a better Russian accent.
One thing I really liked about the movie [here’s a spoiler, if you want to skip this] is a little speech Jackie’s character gives to one of the kid. He tells them he grew up in an orphanage but he loved his brothers and sisters. He says family is defined by who you love, not your DNA. I admit, that made me cry a little bit.
Anyway, it’s a good movie, well worth seeing.
We have had a fairly productive day, in that we went to Kroger and Walmart, and didn’t overspend. Michael got to play tennis this afternoon, and Alesia got to hang out with her friend Elena.
I have felt yucky most of the day. The Augmentin has caused certain, um, female issues, and mental pause has added to the fun mix. I had to leave Kroger and go sit in the car while Mother supervised the kids and finished grocery shopping. Not fun.
I have wasted a LOT of time on Facebook playing Farmville. Yes, I have a cartoon farm and I am an addict. [hangs head in shame] I need to stop planting virtual artichokes and wheat and soybeans, and stop petting virtual goats and chickens. I need to stop plotting how to get a cartoon chicken coop or a virtual hot air balloon. I need to be appalled by pink hay bales and tiny little rice paddies. I need to stop fertilizing others’ crops! I need to get my hands in real dirt and not virtual dirt! I need to get back to real life!
If I send you a Free Gift and ask you to send me one back, do me a favor and just say NO.
I need a 12 step meeting.
Hi, my name is Dee and I’m a Farmville-aholic.
One crop is too many and 100 are never enough….
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