It was a very quiet day and I need to get my sleep for tomorrow so this is just a quick update.
The other night at dinner Mother asked Alesia to say the blessing. Alesia has been trying to not say the little blessing Mother taught her when she first came home - Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and us to thy service. So Alesia started off "Lord, thanks for the food... and, uh, bless all the dead people [giggle giggle] and oh yeah - the LIVING ones too! Thanks!"
It was very hard not to laugh.
We don't normally bless dead people. We figure they are beyond our help by that point. She has a new friend who is Catholic so I'm guessing that's the source of that idea, but I don't know. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
My car's check engine light has been on for a few days and so I took it to the Chevron. They called me and said something about a thermostat needing fixing and mentioned some radiator hose thingy -- all I heard was blah blah blah it will be around $400. That's always the way it is - no matter what is wrong it's a minimum of $400. It's an old car and I don't have to make a payment, so I shouldn't kvetch, but yikes. I just had to buy a new fridge, and now the car. I hope Alesia will inherit the car after me, so I want to keep it maintained.
Michael suggested my next car should be either a Mustang or a minivan with a movie screen. I told him it all depends on my job situation.
Remember I said I was trying to start all my veggies in jiffy pots, with organic seeds?! Well, some of the seeds are sprouting - the cukes, and some swiss chard. I am very excited about those tiny sprouts! However, I never found yellow crookneck squash seeds. Today when I was buying tomatoes at Sherry's produce stand I found squash seedlings for $1! I was beyond excited. I was like a little kid. As soon as I got home they went into the nice long side garden bed. I am praying they won't die - in the other bed they always have died in past years, after blooming and getting my hopes up.
The thing I will miss most about going back to work will be having time in the garden.
It will be a whole lot easier to pay off the bills, though...