It has been a stressful day. I just knocked my stress level down considerably by laughing at this video of comedian/actor Kevin Pollak doing impressions. I especially loved his bit about Christopher Walken.
When I am really tense I Iook on YouTube for videos of my favorite comedians and play the videos. Sometimes non-comedians make me laugh hard, like this one of Christopher Walken reading the lyrics to Lagy Gaga's song "Poker Face." I dare you not to laugh at that.
[If you've ever heard "Poker Face" you will laugh harder, because it sounds like it was written by hormonal chipmunks on a cocaine binge. I listened to it on Alesia's MP3 one day, because she asked me to and I was too dense to invent an excuse not to hear it.]
Another favorite comedian of mine is Ron White, the guy who smokes a cigar and drinks scotch during his act. The first time I ever saw him, on the Blue Collar Comedy thing Jeff Foxworthy did a few years ago, I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. Good thing I didn't because I was with my boyfriend.
If you want to hear a sample of Ron's humor click on this - it's not as rude and crude as some of his stuff.
I used to really like Jeff Foxworthy. The redneck jokes hit a little close to home though - I am part redneck on my daddy's side. I used to not ever say that, but now I just sort of shrug and own up to it, because most all the people on Dad's side of the family ignore my blog so I can pretty much say what I like...
I wasn't really stressed out today until Alesia started the PMS talk right before dinner. She has a way of getting on my last nerve and stomping on it. I try not to lose my temper. I finally just yelled GO TO YOUR ROOM! - a phrase that saved my life countless times when I was a kid.
A short time later I was in Mother's room and Michael was watching the Braves game and Alesia flounced in and said "I am going to kiss YOU goodnight, Granny!" - and ignore you, Meanest Mom of All Time.
Anyway, if you are stressed out, I urge you to get on YouTube and watch funny videos. It may save your life.
One great thing happened today. We had a gentle rain falling off and on all day, and that was awesome for my plants. Then it rained hard and I didn't have to take Michael to baseball practice.
Thanks rain!
One sorta good thing happened - before Alesia got home - I got another job interview. Then I looked at the website for these folks and only one thought came to mind - I HOPE they don't require women to wear pantyhose. I don't do pantyhose any more.
I try to avoid the political here but I will state this, FOR THE RECORD: I would vote for any man, woman or monkey running for office who promised to abolish pantyhose..