It has been a day of yucko things happening, but in the end it was a good day.
First of all, the weather. I kept looking at the calendar thinking, Am I in a time warp?!? Is it really April 27th?! Because it felt like January. It was cold and windy all day, and there was some cold rain late this afternoon. This is Hot-Lanta. It's almost May, for heaven's sakes. Yuck.
Tonight the temperatures are supposed to dip to the 40's.
In just about 10 days, our neighborhood pool opens. Thank goodness it's heated.
As if the creepy weather wasn't bad enough, I was pulling some particularly ugly swordlike plants out from behind my camellia bushes this morning and sliced my right hand open. I didn't realize it until I was holding the hose over my hosta and noticed blood dripping. Icky.
Next, we had muddy brown water in the toilets. I called the county water folks and talked to someone who actually knew something, and he said to "flush out the pipes," and he described that process. So I spent some time running water out of the outside spigots and flushing the toilets, and now, voila, the water is better. Not delightfully filtered, but at least not brown.
I also noticed, in walking around the yard, some places where Michael had missed with the mower. I think I need to get his eyes re-checked.
Michael is playing baseball at a local church, and tonight instead of practice the kids were able to get free tickets to the Georgia v. Georgia Tech baseball game. Michael took his friend "Sandy" [I am not giving her real name for privacy reasons]. Mother kept calling it his "first date" but I said it was simply an excursion [new vocab word! listen up!]. Mother said when we were sitting at the kitchen table with him late this afternoon drilling him on how to act, every time I said excursion Michael winked, like, yeah, it's a date!
He wore two new shirts and new shorts I bought him the other day. He took longer than usual getting dressed, and washed his face. Thanks be to God he didn't splash on too much Axe cologne... [What marketing genius thought up that name, huh?! If I were marketing a cologne to adolescent and teenaged boys I would call it something like Raging Hormones from Hell, but that's just me...]
We wanted to make sure he acted gentlemanly.
Good thing, too, because "Sandy" was cheering for Georgia Tech [cough cough] and we are diehard Dawg fans...
There was some question of whether the game would get rained out, but fortunately it wasn't. Mike said it was cold. He failed to realize the snuggling opportunities at sporting events, but that's probably a good thing.
While Mike and "Sandy" were at the game, I made French toast and sausage for us girls, and we watched the movie 27 Dresses. Totally chick evening. [Note: I used to not like Katherine Heigl, but then she adopted a baby from Korea, and now I like her. I can tolerate the enormous teeth now. The baby has normal teeth, thank God.]
So now it's after 11, and I am ready to put Neosporin on my hand and call it a day...