Yesterday was a very quiet day, nothing much to get excited about. Lots going on the with kids, though. Here are the highlights.
I went on Alesia's Facebook profile and saw all the groups and pages she belongs to and got very ticked off. Some of the groups are just idiotic, some contain unsavory content [Rap Battle, marching to legalize marijuana] that I really don't like. As soon as she got home from school I told her she could either get herself out of all the groups and pages I don't like [I made a 2 page list] or completely lose her computer privilege. She chose to get out of the groups, but man was she mad at me.
What amazes me about some parents is they won't cut off a child's computer time when necessary. Computers are a privilege, not a right. My kids will never have computers or TVs in their room because I reserve the right to monitor what they do, for heaven's sakes. If I had a child spending hours on the computer every day, I'd fix it so they couldn't spend more than 1 hour, tops, and I'd get that kid into sports, or music lessons, or SOME kind of endeavor like that.
Despite cutting my hand to ribbons the other day, I had to do some gardening. I couldn't help myself. I found some heavy gardening gloves. I put 9 cucumber seedlings in the long garden bed and 4 yellow zucchini plants. Yay. Even if not all of them survive or produce veggies it is still fun to try. I am so glad we have sunny areas in our yard and not all shade trees like some folks.
Remember I said Michael went to the baseball game the other night? It was really cold and windy. I worried both kids might get a cold. I heard nothing from Sandy's mom, who is sort of a friend/acquaintance of mine. This morning I get an email saying Sandy had a great time and now thinks she knows the rules of baseball and can't stop talking about what a good time she had. All right, Michael.
Michael's teachers are all going easy on the homework right now except for social studies. Yesterday we had to complete a multi-part project that took hours after school. Never thought I'd find myself trying to help my child write a poem about Bolivia or a rap song about the Caribbean, or a flow chart about Europe. Being a parent requires such, um, creativity, sometimes...
I saw this video in an email from Mother and thought whoa, if any of the stores around here get in this technology, I will never see Alesia again...
That's all the news for now...