Yesterday was the nicest non-vacation day I've had in a long time. We slept late, did almost nothing around the house [except unpacking] and all of us just chilled out all day. Well, except Michael. He played in a tennis tournament all afternoon.
We are fortunate that our neighborhood pool and tennis center is just down the street from the house. They always have activities there on holiday weekends. The tennis folks had a round robin tournament for the kids on Saturday but of course we missed that. So I asked Mike's ALTA tennis coach if Mike might play in the adult tournament and he met us at the courts and introduced us to the organizers. They agreed to let Mike play even though he's only 13. He played for 3 hours, with some rest periods, and had a blast. The adults playing were all at a high level of skill and Michael was tickled to be able to play people who played real, serious tennis. Kids his age usually don't have the high skill level these adults do, of course. These folks have been playing for years. Mike told me several times how much fun it was. I sat in the enclosed shelter and watched, and chatted with some of the folks. Very pleasant.
We were supposed to get rain, and we did get some, but it held off until the end of the tournament. Today it looks like more rain. I hope we're not going to have a miserably rainy summer...
At one point last night I was on the computer and Alesia stuck her head in my room and asked "Is that thunder or you, Mom?!" I don't belch that low, kiddo...
The kids and I went to see the late afternoon matinee of Prince of Persia. Excellent, fun movie. I was surprised how much I liked it. The plot was a bit complicated but I got it. The star, Jake Gylenhaal, "has cute muscles!" according to my daughter. I pointed out that his hair looked greasy throughout the movie but she was indignant - "It was ancient times and he didn't have shampoo!"
We picked up sandwiches for dinner.
Today it's back to the real world. We have to buy groceries and pay bills. I have to try and find someone to fix the air conditioner upstairs, which isn't working too well. I also have the ongoing problem of the lawn mower, plus some issues related to Alesia's summer school. Ah well, it was nice while it lasted.
Here are two "balcony shots" of my kids. Quite a difference, huh?!
This is 2007, right after Mike came home. I love this photo.
Here's a funny shot from '08 -
Last year -
And finally, this year...
I thought this was not too bad, until I realized it appears Michael has a tree growing out of his head...
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