Seems like I've been in crowds all day long, which is weird for a Sunday.
Our church had no Sunday school today, so Michael and I went to church with Jason and Alesia. Jason goes to a mega church up in Gwinnett County, about 30 minutes from here. When I say mega I am not exaggerating. The parking lot alone is bigger than all the parking at Georgia Perimeter College. They run 3 services on Sunday and one or two on Saturday night. It doesn't look like a church. It looks like an auditorium. There was a professional type band, flashing lights, the whole nine yards. I've been in some big churches but nothing like this. Wow.
They have probably a half dozen coffee stations, and there's a Starbucks type coffee bar on the lower floor.Those people are caffeinated, lemme tell ya.
I am not a fan of mega churches, I will admit. I was prepared to hate it. I didn't hate it. It's not the way I want to worship, but I didn't disagree with anything that was said or done.
Baptisms were done onstages, with the folks sitting in little boxes of water and getting fully immersed. Each baptism [there were 3 or 4] was accomplished in about 2 minutes. The minister asked if the person accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and then sort of pushed them down in the water to be totally immersed. Everyone applauded. The name flashed on the screen.That was it.
The sermon centered on the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes with the 5 loaves and two fishes. It asked everyone to consider how you have to allow for miracles and trust God. I totally agree with that.
What I didn't care for was the feeling of being just one of a multitude. In my little church you see the same faces every Sunday. You know people. They know you. There's one urn of coffee for everyone, and that's enough.The ministers now your name.
I also wasn't tickled that there were no female ministers anywhere on the stage of mega church. Lots of guys but no females. This is supposed to be a non-denominational church, so I don't understand that. In my opinion, women have just as much right to preach the gospel as men.
I'm not a mega church kinda gal, but it was an interesting experience.
I told Jason that turnabout is fair play, and he will have to come to St. Bede's one Sunday. That will be a shock to his system. LOL
We went to Kroger late this afternoon to stock up on groceries and it was a zoo. Crowds everywhere. One guy walking around was about 6'5, completely bald, long trenchcoat [it was 65 degrees out], long beard, lots of tattoos. He looked like a bad guy from Matrix or something. I avoided him. He is not a typical Kroger shopper, not in the burbs anyway.
Alesia had some drama this evening with Jason, their first fight, but things got smoothed over, thank God. She handled it with maturity and I was proud of her.
Can't believe Thanksgiving week is here. Wow.
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