I am happy to say that Michael is watching the Oscars with me. I have turned my 14 year old son into a movie buff. I am so proud!
Michael has seen several of the nominated movies, including True Grit, The Fighter, and Inception. I told him when I dragged him to those movies that he would enjoy the Oscars much more if he knew some of the movies. He says he thinks Inception ought to win for Best Picture.
I talked to my friend John earlier tonight and his son, who is 7, wanted to see Gnomeo and Juliet. John said it was hysterical - the Shakespeare allusions were very funny, but nobody in the theater got them except him. I studied Shakespeare for two semesters in grad school. So now I have to see that. He said his son loved the slapstick comedy.
Bruce went to Sams for me this morning, and I ran to Publix later to get what he couldn't find at Publix. I still forgot half the stuff we need for the week.
Bruce had to go home late this afternoon. It was tough to see him go. I am so fortunate that I have a sibling who is always supportive. Mom called me to come help her with something last night and Bruce went in there and said "Why did you call Dee? I can help you!" Mother replied that I'd already seen the movie and he hadn't. He said "My mother is more important than a movie!" [We were watching Inception.]
Bruce has his faults, but he takes care of his family. In a crisis, he's my first phonecall.
Alesia and I had a spat this afternoon over her use of the car. I regret it. She gets on my last nerve sometimes and I don't react very well, particularly not when I'm tired and emotionally drained. That's my hardest relationship in my life. I pray every day I can be a good mom but I feel like a failure a lot of the time.
When Alesia got home I apologized for being so short with her this afternoon.
I find when the family is in crisis mode and I am running on adrenaline, trying to do everything for everyone, I just sort of put my head down and push forward. I don't sleep well, I hardly pay attention to what I'm eating, and all I can think about is getting my sick person home. It's only later, after things have calmed down, that I lose it. I broke down sobbing in the car in the Publix parking lot, thinking of how close we came to losing Mom. I cannot bear that thought.
Thank God for friends. My friend Melanie brought supper to us tonight.
Here's my sweet brother and my mischevious son:
Addendum: I am SO GLAD that Colin Firth won for best actor and The King's Speech won best picture! It is an awesome movie. Jeff Bridges was terrific in True Grit, but he won last year. Also, Colin's performance was a huge stretch, much bigger than Jeff's grumpy old dude.