It's been a weird and interesting day, interspersed with a slightly off-the-routine day, and at times it's been boring, but that was only when I was trying to be quiet while Mother napped.
Life is like that sometimes.
I was looking at a photo of the brother of a friend of mine on Facebook and I nearly screamed and jumped out of my chair. This guy looks EXACTLY like his father, like a CLONE of the man, and since his father died a couple of years ago it was ultra-freaky for me. I spent a lot of time at my friend's house when I was a teenager, and I knew her dad pretty well.
I now believe in cloning.
My brother and I look like an interesting mishmash of both our parents. That's how God intended it.
I am sure, however, that giving me Mamaw's short fat legs and extra padded butt was a MISTAKE.It was the work of the devil.
I am so glad my daughter didn't get those genes.
Thank you, God.
I have also learned that fruit isn't always as important as my son says it is.
I bought Michael two persimmons at Publix the other day, and he had a fit over them. Why anyone would want to eat freaky little semi-pumpkin sour thingies from Chile, I don't know, but he has bugged me now for several days to let's go to Publix and get some more.
This morning I had to run to Kroger and pick up a few things and I told Mike he could check on the persimmon situation there. I forgot about it, however, until we got into the checkout lane. I looked across the store to the produce section and told him to run quick and see if they had an persimmons. He shrugged, said "I'm too lazy," and walked off to look at the cell phone display.
I bought some croissants on sale at Kroger and my aunt and uncle each took one, ate one bite then tore them into pieces and pushed them around on the plate for the remainder of the meal. I am now certain the croissants were borderline stale and I made a huge mistake. HUGE. I concentrated on ham, pasta salad, chips, and brownies.I avoided the croissants.
Obviously the words MANAGER'S SPECIAL are code for STALE OR ALMOST ROTTEN.
Life lesson learned.
I wonder if the squirrels will eat croissants?!
Here you see my aunt and uncle and my mother, who will scream and vomit berate me soundly when she sees this photo. She did NOT have on enough lipstick.
The battery was dying in my camera as this was taken, and so I couldn't do re-shoots that were more flattering to Mother.
I will probably be cut out of the will but so be it. We had a nice visit with Don and Jane.
So here's another shot of Mother, a much more flattering one:
She had just stolen the gown from that hussy Peggy Lee after slapping her around for a bit.
Just kidding.
Mom with laryngitis is a much better singer than Peggy Lee ever was.
I used to play dress up with Mom's dresses when I was a little girl. Me and my best friend Joanne would wear Mom's old recital dresses and her hoops and make "wands" out of drinking straws and colored paper, and go sashaying around the house pretending to be fairies. My brother would get so annoyed at us he'd scream and run bury his nose in a book to get away from our silliness.
I can't imagine why he was so uncomfortable. The dog loved being a lady in waiting.
I never dreamed that one day I would grow up t
o plant jungle foliage in my back yard. Or to split a sentence like that. Wow.
These are roses I planted a few weeks ago, and you can see a gardenia in the foreground that badly needs trimming.
These are my flowers on the front patio. It just occurred to me if I fertilize them, they might bloom.
Well, duh.
Tomorrow morning when it's not 95 degrees I will work on that.
I learned that photography exists to make me feel guilty about my flaws as a gardener...
My favorite moment today was when I learned that the secret to happiness is teaching your child something very important.
This morning on the way to Kroger I was in the car with Michael, trying hard not to scream cry vomit say anything negative about listening to the "music" he likes. The "song" ended [I use quotes because the electronic blips and mumbling really don't qualify as music] and I punched in the classic rock station.
Then we were treated to Mick Jagger singing "Satisfaction." I cranked it up and made him sit there and listen while I sang with Mick "I can't get no-o Sat-IS-FACT-Shu-UN." He said "That's bad grammar, Mom." Smartass. I was groovin' along, singing, enjoying the heck out of the CLASSICAL music. I knew Michael was digging it when he said "Uh Mom? Can you NOT sing along?"
So I have learned that Michael can appreciate classic rock. YES!
If you want to share the delightful song, look here at the vintage version. Mick was hot when he was young. Now, not so much, but Grandpa can still jump around and dance, as you can see here. He must take glucosamine for arthritis...
But really, Mick needs to stay home and enjoy his hobbies, which probably include scaring the beejeebers out of his grandchildren...
I just realized I covered cloning, gardening, persimmons, and Mick Jagger, all in one blog post.
If you've read this far, thank you...
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