Mother always says I have a HUGE sweet tooth, and I know it's true, but today even I got overloaded with the sugar and had to stop.
Colton spent the night here last night and I wanted to fix a yummy breakfast, so I made french toast and sausage. I put syrup and butter on my french toast. When I was a kid I put butter and salt. Both ways are good. Michael puts enough syrup to sink a battleship. Colton ate his toast DRY. Yep, nothing on it. I hope he's not worrying about his weight too much. He's growing like a weed. He was a bit chubby when Michael first met him a couple of years ago but with better nutrition and more exercise he's slimmed down. He's up to about 5'7 already and weighs I think he said 126.
I know he can be a handfull - all boys can - but I am glad he feels at home here. He gives good hugs and he's always polite and sweet and helpful. I think teenagers need a home where they can find refuge, away from their own parents.
Colton and Mike a couple of weeks ago.
I had to run to Kroger late this morning and pick up provisions for the next couple of days. I didn't want to buy what we call Big Groceries, because that takes time, and I was rushing to make it to church before 1:30. If I am by myself I can buzz in and out and get just a few things very quickly.
We are in the hot weather now, so I refuse to go to the grocery store after noon. It's just too muggy hot then.
While I was at Kroger I saw a smallish man in his 30's pushing a buggy like he knew what he was doing. He was sorta attractive and I of course checked for a wedding ring. Negative. I went around to the next aisle and looked for bread. He followed and I noticed him again. I glanced into his buggy and almost laughed out loud. He had about 15 bottles of Powerade, and probably 20 Lean Cuisines, and a bunch of bananas. I bet he tells his mama he eats "healthy" because he had that one pitiful bunch of bananas. I wanted to say to him, Dude, you need to either learn how to cook or marry somebody who can cook because day-um, your food choices just suck.
I should've shown him my brussels sprouts and shared that if you roast those little baby cabbages just right they are mondo tasty and nutritious. I also had lean turkey, bread, and V-8 juice. We're not health fanatics but we eat fairly decently.
We usually only have sandwich night about once a week. Sometimes, instead of that we have Fallout night - whatever leftovers fall out of the fridge, that's what we eat.
Alesia went with me to the High Tea at church this afternoon and it was fun. There was a TON of food there. Lots of little sandwiches and tiny bite-sized sweets. We got 4 dozen pastry cups filled with curried chicken salad in about 10 minutes, and then made tea sandwiches with the rest of the chicken salad. The pound cake was sliced up. Alesia was looking longingly at all the piles of food, and kept saying "I'm REALLY hungry..."
"As soon as it's 2:00 you can eat," I said cheerfully.
I was sort of amazed Alesia had agreed to go to the tea with me. Mother talked her into it. We hadn't done any sort of Mother/Daughter things in a while, with all that's been going on in the last few weeks.
We sat with a friend of mine who has two adopted daughters and let me tell you, teeaged girls can EAT - especialy when there are no guys around. There were a lot of women, lots of babies, and many older ladies of Mom's generation. The tea was poured by servers who were all older men in suits, and they were very courtly and cute. Mother missed a prime opportunity to flirt with guys in her age group...
The goodies were all delectable but I was sort of amused because it was clear some of them were from a bakery and some were homemade. The bakery ones were fine, but not as good as hoemade, IMHO.
The tea also included a Silent Auction of donated small items, and a raffle. I won a small gift basket with a 4th of July theme, which is ironic since that's my birthday. I bid on a small necklace in the Silent Auction and won it, although I was sorry I didn't win the Hummingbird teapot I bid on. I collect teapots and I love hummingbirds.
I got a lot of compliments on my curried chicken salad.
I got totally sick of sweets after I tucked into the little cookies and brownie bites and tea cakes and everything else.
The high today was 90 - we're back to summer. One thing about it, I sweat so much on days like today I don't worry about water retention.
I'm hoping to make tomorrow a real rest day, unlike most Sundays...