Every once in a great while I go through these decorated hatboxes I have and pull out old photos and scan them in. The leaves are turning, and I am feeling sentimental. Somehow the memories are more vivid when I see the shots on the computer. Besides, I just love old photos.
While I was scanning them in I was listening to this song, which always makes me nostalgic.
I love this photo of Mom and her tennis raquet, in front of the house on 9th Street where she spent most of her growing up years. Not sure how old she was, but I also liked to play tennis when young, and Mike is a great tennis player, so it's a family tradition.
This is the house in Hepzibah, Georgia where my dad grew up. It's still there. Beautiful home. The house didn't get indoor plumbing or electricity until the early 1940's when Dad was an adolescent.
Mom and Dad with baby Bruce, in front of their first home in Augusta, about 1960. I love Mom's hat.
Me and my brother about 1962, when Bruce was three and I was a few months old. There are very few photos of me as a baby.
A few years later, in front of our first house in Knoxville. Note the white boots. I wore only white boots for years, andf refused all other footwear for school or Church.
Me in 6th grade. Note the groovy 1970's collar and the geeky glasses...
Me and Dad, mid 1980's. He always wore 3 piece suits.
A rare shot of all of us, late 1980's.
Me and my uncle Bobby Thompson, about 2000, when I still looked pretty good in makeup.