I have been informed by she who must be obeyed /her majesty the queen Mother that people [particularly regular blog readers] are irritated that the book post is staying at the top of the blog, AND that I am asking too much of people to post on Facebook or send an email, just to win a book. So in the spirit of Christmas, I am making this much simpler.
Perhaps she's right. I've not had a great response. SO...
IF you want one of the books, leave a comment on here and tell me which book you'd like. I will draw winners on Monday and email you.
I am a big believer in passing around good books, not letting them just sit on the shelf. So I am giving away FREE books here on the Crab Chronicles - just in time for Christmas!
I have a personal association with all these books.
I have read them all, and can say with conviction, they are excellent books. If you're stuck for a gift and want to win one of these books, here's how you do it:
1) Link to my blog on your Facebook page. Send me an email with a link to your Facebook post. If you're not a friend of mine on Facebook, Friend me! [Scroll down and to the right to see a link to my FB page]
2) If you don't have a Facebook page, send an email to at least 10 friends with a link to this blog, and copy me. You can say something like "Here's Dee's blog and she's giving away free books!" or "Look what this crazy woman is making me do, just for a chance to win a used book!" - or whatever strikes your fancy as long as it's in good taste and it positively mentions The Crab Chronicles and links to the blog.
3) If you're a blogger, put a link to my blog in a post, and send me a link by email.
4) VERY IMPORTANT - when you send me you email entry, tell me WHICH book or books you want to win!
[[email protected] is my email, BTW]
On December 5th I will draw the winners of the free books, and mail them off to the winners. That should give them plenty of time to get the book, wrap it, and mail it off to someone else if it's a gift.
OK, here are the books you can WIN! [Note: all are hardbacks except where I note otherwise.]
You love her on Glee. Now read her fascinating and funny life story - Happy Accidents by Jane Lynch.

Do you like thrillers? Third Degree is one of Greg Iles' best books, a real page turner. If you like suspenseful books, or someone on your gift list does, this is an excellent choice. I think I read it in 2 days?!

One of my favorite TV cooks is Paula Deen. We're also sort of related - her third cousin is married to my second cousin! Her memoir, It Ain't All About the Cooking is a fascinating glimpse into her life. She has overcome a lot of obstacles to get where she is, and she tells her story in her typical unaffected, honest way. It also has lots of excellent recipes. It's hard to part with this one but I want to spread the love.

Another Southern lady I love to read is Mary Kay Andrews, who used to write mysteries under the name Kathy Trocheck. Those are all fun books, particularly if you are familiar with Atlanta. Savannah Breeze is particularly fun because it's set in Savannah and it's about a lady opening an inn on Tybee Island right near Savannah. I loved this book but I'm happy to share it because if you like "chick lit" or books about the south you will love it.

Next up is an another book connected to food - sensing a pattern here?!?
Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany
[by Bill Buford] As much as I love to cook, this book made me shudder, at times. I could never cook professionally. It's a fascinating read, though, if you're a "foodie" or if you just like memoirs.I also stumbled across the info that it has been optioned to be a movie and it might star Philip Seymour Hoffman, one of my very favorite actors. So read the book first, then you can trash the movie and say it's not as good! LOL

Michael and I read every night, just about, and we recently read a great thriller for kids called Point Blank, by Anthony Horowitz. [This one is a trade paperback, not hardcover.] It's set in England and Switzerland. If you have a tween who likes James Bond style adventure books, Horowitz is a prolific writer and his books are fun.

LAGNIAPPE [that's a french word meaning "little present", not a book title, y'all] Giving away 2 copies of this one, first come, first served [email me]
I recently met a lady online named Melanie Jongsma, who sent me copies of a lovely memoir called Cancer Freedom, by Beatrice Hofman Hoek. Here's what Melanie said about this book:
"Cancer Freedom was my first book. It was actually published several years ago by Baker Book House, under the title Surrender or Fight: One Woman's Victory Over Cancer. After it went out of print, I had the rights reverted back to me and my co-author, so I could update it and re-release it as Cancer Freedom. It's my co-author's story — she has survived breast cancer for 25 years now."
I lost my dad to cancer in 1996, so this was hard to read, but it's a lovely book. (The book's author is a lady of strong Christian faith, BTW.) If you or someone you know is battling cancer, let me know and I will send it to you, or to them. First come, first served.
Help me promote The Crab Chronicles and you may win a free book!
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