Saw this posted and thought I would share it: "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Just let it go." - Felice Dunas
I don't know Felice Dunas, but she is right on the money.
I am trying not be angry because somebody called my house this morning with a fax machine. The phone kept ringing and ringing. Freaked Mother out. I don't blame her. I redialed and realized it's a fax machine, and explained to her how those things are programmed to redial every 5 minutes for a while before giving up.
I am trying not to be angry at my daughter for making such poor life choices. It's hard. It's hard to stay calm when I speak to her on the phone. It's hard not to yell and scream and want to pull out my hair, because she is living with an awful man. The good thing is, now I just feel sad more than I feel angry. I am sad that she couldn't stay away from drugs and away from the wrong people. I am sad she continues to make poor choices. I am still praying hard for her.
I am trying not to be angry at some folks about funding for Michael's prosthetic. He has outgrown the current one. He got so frustrated and upset in the car this afternoon because the arm isn't working right. He has simply outgrown it.Poor kid has enough to deal with, between the acne and being short and not being a native English speaker. His English is nearly perfect, but he still gets the words "itch" and "scratch" mixed up, and a few other oddities pop up now and then.
I am trying not to be angry at myself for eating too much today. I didn't eat junk food. I have simply been hungry The normal amount of food isn't cutting it. I think it's hormonal.
I probably have a lot of anger in my body. It's never served me well.
Years ago in Knoxville, I worked with a young woman about my own age who was a legal secretary. She would get spitting mad about 3 times a day. She was smart and funny and we were friends, but her anger was scary. I watched in horror one night at a restaurant as she keyed someone's car because they parked too close to her car, in her estimation. She later became addicted to prescription drugs and her family turned away from her. Of course, that made her extremely angry at them. The last time we spoke, years ago, she sounded beat down by life and depressed. I don't know whatever happened to her.
I currently have a good friend who is very successful in life, but he holds onto his anger in a very unhealthy way. I've listened to him rant and rave for years. He scares me sometimes how angry and bitter he is, and how he can't let it go.
Anger is toxic. It truly is. If you are holding on to anger, please try and let it go. Your body will thank you for it.
Below is another great thought...