OK, well, today was a much better day than yesterday. I am not drinking beer in the afternoon like a nitwit. I am not a big beer drinker, but wine gives me headaches and hot flashes.
Being menopausal makes all alcohol consumption risky. Anyone who thinks drinking wine is sexy or sophisticated should see me sweating like a pig after a few sips.
I had one margarita about 5 months ago and was slightly tipsy, for a short time. I did not drive home. Fortunately my friend who was with me was cold sober. That was the first mixed drink I'd had in..... about 7 years?
After work I raced home to try and get some errands done before the rain started. The forecast is awful for tonight. HUGE black clouds everywhere.
It was 68 degrees today. No coat needed. We have had NO winter. It's weird. Even for Hot-Lanta...
I need to help Mike with homework but I will add something more to this later...