My friend Judy has a blog I read pretty faithfully, in part because Judy is so funny. I don't remember how I first came across her blog, but she has a daughter adopted from Kazakhstan, so that's probably it. Anyway, I wanted to share the anecdote below [published by Judy on Wednesday] because I think it's hysterical, and it involves Adam Sandler, who is like a god at my house:
"Speaking of doctors, on Monday I took the girls to the pediatrician. No, they weren't sick. We had forms that needed to be filled out. I was trying to get the parking meter to take my credit card (does that work for the rest of you?) and sent the girls in ahead. Here's what happened. Apparently Alina walked into the inner office where she came face to face with Adam Sandler. Alina is our resident TV watcher and she recognizes everyone. We're hardly out when she doesn't point out someone she knows from somewhere. I usually can't verify her sightings because I don't recognize anyone. Anyway, she saw Adam Sandler and was introducing herself and shaking his hand when Celly walked out of the bathroom holding...........a cup of her own urine. No, they didn't shake hands. Her looked at her and said, "So, whas up?' Nice guy."
Michael asked me suspiciously, "Why was Adam Sandler at the PEDIATRICIAN?! Isn't he a little OLD to be going there?"
"He has two children, Michael," I explained calmly. That thought had never occurred to him.
It's nice to know Adam goes to the pediatrician, just like a regular dad. And he is apparently nice to kids who randomly introduce themselves, even if they are holding cups of pee. I always suspected he was a mensch in real life...