I meant to post this ages ago. I think it's hysterical. I slept with my parents every night until I was about 8 - and I snuck in, every night. My parents' bed was a king but there were two twin mattresses on top of the box springs, and I'd wriggle into the "crack" between the two mattresses. I sometimes joke about being a "crack baby" - and Mom cringes....
One night when I was about 5, my friend Joanne came over to spend the night. The next day her mom asked her, "Where did you sleep last night?"
Joanne thought for a minute, and said "I slept with the entire family. First, I was sleeping with Dee. Then she wet the bed and I got up and went and slept with Tony and Elva. Then Tony got up and went somewhere else. Then Bruce came and got into bed with me and Elva. Then Dee came and got into bed with us."
Her mother thought it was hysterical. My mother still tells the story.