I always view weekends as these nice unbroken stretches of time where I can get a lot done, and every Sunday night I ruefully reflect on all the things I DIDN'T get crossed off my To Do list.
I am a compulsive listmaker. I learned this from my mother. If we had a dollar for every grocery list she's ever made, we would have enough money to go on vacation.
I got off track yesterday because it occurred to me that I would really like to see my daughter. The last time I saw her was in June of 2011. I invited her to come spend Thanksgiving with us this year, and said I would pay for a bus ticket - she is in a town about 3 hours away. After some tense texting back and forth I was informed that she has "other plans." It was hard, after that, to re-focus on other things.
However, I am trying to be at peace about the whole thing.She is grown and can what she likes.
Yesterday, I got an important item crossed off my weekend list - I went and voted early. There were lots of folks there, but the process only took about 10-15 minutes.
So today's To Do List has 8 things, and every one of them HAS to get done today. I can't put them off.
I got one thing on my list done already, I helped Mother publish one of her blogs. It's a good one.
I am slowly reading my copy of The Divinity of Dogs: True Stories of Miracles Inspired by Man's Best Friend. Wonderful book. - and I'm not just saying that because I have a story in there. It's inspiring to me to read about how dogs can change a person's life. They are pure love.