Hard to believe it's Halloween again, and there are Christmas decorations filling up the stores. Retailers used to actually wait until AFTER Halloween to put out Christmas stuff.
I actually am thinking about Christmas, and what to get for everyone. It sort of depends on what I can find on sale. I won't shop Black Friday. That's the day we put up the tree.
Michael has wrestling practice tonight, so he won't get home until 6:45 or 7. He had to stay late last night and clean up and it was almost 7 before we were home.
When we got home and he looked in the bags of groceries he asked me about some beans I had bought. I told him that I will make a pot of chili tonight, in honor of Halloween. Everyone can eat when they feel like it. "Oh that sounds good! Can I eat mine outside?"
"No!" I exclaimed. "Then you won't be able to hear the doorbell."
Yes, I am totally Mean.
Michael likes to eat certain things in certain areas of the house. He likes to eat pecan pie sitting by a fire. I don't know why.He says that means Christmas to him, eating pecan pie by the fire. OK, I am fine with that.
I like to eat at the kitchen table. I am weird. [The closer we are to the sink, the easier it makes cleanup...]
I bought yet another bag of candy last night, Skittles. I don't like Skittles. I'm afraid the kids are getting candy I don't like, for the most part. Makes it more likely they will get any candy at all.
When I was a kid there was a lady who used to make homemade caramel or candy apples every Halloween and give them out - I loved going to her house. Nowadays she would probably be arrested.
When I was small, I would be taken every Halloween to the home of an elderly customer of Dad's, who was very tiny, very old, and very rich. She would give me and my brother each and entire, large candy bar. I didn't like going to her house because she looked sort of witch-like and I knew if I accidentally broke anything in her elegant home I would likely be spanked, or flying monkeys would swoop down and carry me off or something, but man, I wanted that entire candy bar to myself.
I usually had to share candy with my brother. Not at Mrs. C's house.
Ah, good memories. And Scary. All mixed up together. Just like life, huh?!