This may be hard to believe, but I read blogs all the time, and I find them endlessly fascinating. I used to only read adoption blogs, but since I am not in adoption mode any more, I've expanded my horizons.I thought I'd share some interesting blog posts here, for your education and/or enjoyment.
Dan Pearce over at Single Dad Laughing has an awesome post called 16 Ways I Blew My Marriage, which everyone should read if they are married, contemplating marriage, or trying to avoid divorce. I could write one called "16 Reasons Why I Will Die An Old Maid" but people find that depressing. I don't, but I am in the minority. All my closest friends are happily single by choice, though. (Maybe one day when we are old we can all share a house together, like The Golden Girls...)
If you have any interest in 1) homeschooling 2) older child adoption 3) living your faith - or just like to read Mama blogs, check out my friend Cindy LaJoy's blog. She doesn't post every day, but her content is always excellent, and Cindy is a born writer and a passionate advocate for children.
I do still read some adoption blogs. I've corresponded with Marriya about her journey to adopt a little girl in Bulgaria, and I can't wait to read more. I always get a lot out of my friend Tammy's blog because she is an adoptive single mom AND a social worker. She is incredibly wise about adopted kids and their issues. She is in the process of adopting child #2, a little boy from China. I so admire her guts.
When I want to laugh, I read Dooce. Healther is tall and blonde and makes her living by blogging, so I should actually hate her, but I don't. She has troubles, too, just like the rest of us. I don't agree with her politics, but so be it.
Another person who makes me laugh, although we don't agree politically, is my friend Judy. Even though she is in California and I am in Georgia, I like to read about her life. It's like she lives in a small principality run by people who look like Americans, but are actually a subset, Californiamericans. I was born and bred into a world where I am a SouthernBell-american, and dadgum proud of it. Not all of America is one big homogenous glob of WASPS, thanks be to God.
When I want to drool a big puddle daydreaming about food, I check out the Southern Lady Cooks website. One day I am actually going to make some of her recipes. It's so lovely having all elastic-waisted pants...
I used to read Pioneer Woman for recipes, but she hasn't posted anything in a while that I wanted to try. She used to write posts with substance, but now she write more stuff like this one about a horse beauty pageant. Sometimes I wonder if she realizes she became famous blogging about real
life, and now she is a "brand," and not a regular person like the rest
of us. I don't think she cares.
I guess it's no secret that I am more politically conservative than the average bear. I read an author named Larry Correia all the time and I love his books. He's one of the smartest guys I almost kinda sorta know - he's a cyber friend of my brother's. Anyway, Larry has a blog and I love this entry, See I told you so, which gives his opinion on the election.
Finally, I got my new computer at my new job, and wow. I have TWO monitors. FOr me, that's a huge deal. I feel part of the twenty-first century. Now I just have to figure out where to look...
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