Well, since Michael had wrestling practice yesterday until after 6:30, it was a different Halloween than any in recent years. When he got home he was SOOOO tired.
I had made crockpot chili, and he ate a big bowl of chili and then took a shower.
I answered the doorbell. Lots of cute trick or treaters.
One time I answered there was a youngish daddy holding a sweet little 3 year old girl in a cow costume. I put some candy in her sack and she wanted to get down. Dad put her down. I said "Are you a cow?"
The dad said "What sound does a cow make?"
The little one looked at him like he was a total idiot, listened to Coco - barking furiously from behind her baby gate at the back of the house - and said "DOGGIE!"
A little later, Michael answered the door, and I was looking behind him at some cute kids in the 7-8 year old age range. There was a little boy dressed like a nerd. I said "Are you a nerd?" and he looked pleased;
"Yes I am!" then without missing a beat he added "But you can call me Captain Sexy!"
Oh my....
I'm thinking that child is the offspring of a nerd and a comedian.
We also opened the door one time and Colton came in, followed by all Mike's friends. I had to explain that he had door duty so I could eat my dinner, and no he couldn't go walking around. He was way too tired from practice, but I felt bad anyway.I told Colton Mike can do something on the weekend.
Here are some crappy phone pics of his buddies, looking adorable, except for Colton who said he was in costume as himself: