Spent the entire day yesterday waiting on two things: the washing machine repairman and the rain. The repairman didn't show up until late in the afternoon.Then he didn't fix the washing machine. Grrr...
I was sure Michael's tennis match would cancel and it did, but only after I took his clothes and his racquet to him at school. As I was driving home, the rain started pelting down. As I turned in the driveway he called and said the match was canceled. I turned around and went back and picked him up.
Michael really didn't feel well. I am not sure if he's getting sick or it's allergies. Hard to tell, but he was not a happy camper yesterday. Said his nose itched.
It poured rain last night. Should've washed the pollen away but Michael said his head was still stopped up this morning.
I had to actually explain to my son not long ago that I think people should get married before having children. When I was his age I was shocked when I found out girls were not married and having children. Truly shocked.However, before I get a lot of hateful comments, I will say this. We live in a free country, last time I checked. Getting married should not be mandatory. I do think it should be encouraged, though.
Words and expressions like "hook up" and "baby mama" and "baby daddy" trivialize love and parenthood and they really bother me.
Both my children are the result of "hook ups" and their mamas were severe alcoholics. I've seen the aftermath of that, and it's not cute or pretty.
We are raising a generation of kids who don't want to take responsibility for themselves, whose favorite verb is "party."
Some kids at Michael's school were recently caught stealing freon out of air conditioners to get high, according to the local news: Teens accused of huffing freon from AC unit. That type of huffing can KILL you, the first time. I read with horror, Teen trend of huffing freon can freeze lungs, cause brain damage.
The article says: "Besides loss of consciousness, huffing freon can make your lungs freeze, cause frostbite to your airway, sudden cardiac death, and brain damage."
If you have a teenager or know a teenager, for heaven's sake, tell them this. Wow.