Michael asked me the other day, "What do you DO all day?"
I remember my dad asking my mom that once or twice when I was a kid, and getting an icy stare in response, and possibly some choice words.
Why do people think those of us who stay at home do nothing?! I have 4 big things and about a dozen small things on my To Do list.I also have part-time writing and marketing work to do. I am never idle.
Plus, I take care of Mom, do most of the cooking around here, and I shuttle Michael to tennis practices or matches just about every day. I also am co-captain of his neighborhood ALTA team.
I am also dealing with a washing machine crisis. Poor Michael, we both worked on the machine last night and it never did work correctly. We called back the repairman last night. He needs to get back out here and fix it, or give us some money back. This is ridiculous.
I couldn't think what to make for dinner last night, so I baked a pan of COMPROMISE - if only Congress would learn this technique!! Mother loves meatloaf. I can tolerate it. Michael and I love my homemade burritos. Mother tolerates that. So I decided to compromise: Mexican Meatloaf.
I just went in search of an image of Old El Paso Taco Seasoning Mix, and I found a website that offered that very image. If you scroll down, there's a heading FREQUENTLY BOUGHT TOGETHER - and guess what? People buy taco seasoning and then they immediately want to buy...
Tylenol and True Religion Eau de Toilette Spray.The Tylenol I understand - you will eat enough tacos to get a headache. I get that.
What does True Religion smell like?! If you put it on an Atheist will it convert them?! Does the pope endorse this cologne?! Would Billy Graham wear it? Some marketing genius came up with this. The bottle looks like it's been designed to contain holy water.
People who buy it also buy Tweezerman nose hair clippers, apparently. So religious people have long hair in their noses?! Or does True Religion smell so good the nose hair goes crazy trying to smell more of it?!! Inquiring minds want to know!
Chop up a red onion and a red pepper. Throw them in a skillet with some canola oil, salt and pepper, and about half a packet of Taco Seasoning Mix. Stand there and stir until everything is soft - 10-20 minutes, depending on heat.
Feed children slices of pepper while cutting. Ask son to stir pepper/onion mixture. Inhale the delicious smell which clears sinuses. Mmmm...
While that happens, grab a mixing bowl and mix up your regular meatloaf, which for us is 1 lb. ground beef, about 1/2 cup breadcrumbs, onion and garlix powders, salt and pepper, a good squirt of ketchup, an egg, a tablespoon of baking powder, and a lot of water. Water is crucial, because otherwise it's too dry. Throw in the other half a packet of taco seasoning mix. Pat into a roughly square shaped mound in the center of a 9x13 pan. Put peppers/onions mixture on top and all around. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, uncovered.
I also made cornbread [a/k/a "hoecakes"] in the skillet, and threw some broccoli in the microwave.
Michael ate a GOOD dinner.
Sorry - couldn't resist - I had to see what the description for the Tweezerman Nose Hair Trimmer looks like. Doesn't look like a barbie-sized weed wacker, but it should. What puzzles me is the image of a brush right next to the nose hair trimmer. Do YOU brush your nose hair?!
I don't. Never knew it needed brushing. Important grooming information.
So if I am to believe the marketing correctly, all men need to smell like True Religion and brush their nose hair. Thank God for useful marketing...
Oh yeah - and try the Mexican Meatloaf. It rocks! Will make your nose hair salute! [Unless you are a senior citizen. Mother ate the meatloaf, asked for seconds, then looked at me sternly and said "Next time, don't put any of this stuff on MY meatloaf. Make it separately."]