Ever have one of those days where it's not an ordinary day, at all, but that's a good thing? I had one of those days yesterday. Good day, all in all.
I met my friend B for lunch. [Not sure how she feels about mentioning her here so I will refrain from naming her.] We have known each other almost ten years and she lives close by, but we don't get a chance to visit often because we both stay so busy. We met at a Thai restaurant not far from my house. I love Thai food but nobody else in the family is crazy about it except my brother and he doesn't much like to eat out.
I wasn't terribly hungry, so I ordered the spring roll vegetarian appetizer, which was very yummy, and then Nam Sod, a blending of ground pork, ginger, onion, peanut, and lime juice. It was delicious, but pretty spicy and LOTS of onions. I ate some of it and brought the rest home for Michael. I also tried some of B's Spicy Squid - which was basically squid soup. Very tasty.
It was so nice to chat with someone I've known a long time, and who has known my mom and my kids for a long time. I told her we need to get together more often, to make that effort.
I saw a really fascinating article yesterday, and I want to share the link to it - Top Five Regrets of the Dying. One of the regrets is not spending more time with friends. I urge you to read this article because I think it's very enlightening.
There were some other interesting things... It rained just enough to water my gardens so I didn't have to, which was an answer to a prayer... Last night Mike and I saw a lady with bright purple hair walking at a nearby shopping center. Mike and I later saw a car backing down the street because he forgot to turn.
We had a bit of drama here last night when Michael was watching TV here in my room and I was checking email.I posted this note about it on Facebook:
I know I am not the greatest housekeeper. I admit that. Sometimes being a bit of a slob is GOOD, though... Michael just spotted a palmetto bug on the floor and he was on his back, choking on a dust bunny!! I grabbed a sandal and finished him off. Michael hollered "I am going to become a BUDDHIST because they don't kill things!" I said "Honey, until you can afford your own place, you will undoubtedly witness more bug killing by this old Episcopalian lady. Deal with it." Oh and one more thing - "I think Buddhism is a bit more complicated than just "Don't kill bugs...."
Michael likes the Dalai Lama, which I think is great. I like him too. Mother has read books by him. The quote below, for instance, is so simple and yet so true: