For the first time in days, THE SUN!! Yay! I just stood outside in the hot sun deadheading my roses and it felt good.
Of course, it also felt good to come back inside to the air conditioning.
After an early morning doctor's appointment, I took Michael out to breakfast at IHOP, one of his favorite places. I was amazed that even at 9:30 on a Monday morning that place was crowded. Wow.
For his birthday, I bought Michael a Wii system, used, off Craigslist. I got the entire system plus handheld thingies for $60. Can't beat that. I remember when they came out and cost $300. My firmly held belief is that if you wait a little while, all technology items drop in price. I hate paying full retail for anything. I will wait years if necessary.
Some of Michael's friends are planning something for his birthday, which is next week, but I cannot reveal details here. (I don't know all the details, actually...)
I spent a fair amount of time over the weekend working on a website for my Write Rainmaker business. I've had a blog for months but I thought it was time for a proper site. SO.... take a look here, and send the link to any attorneys or small business owners you know! Thanks.
After breakfast I realized I need to renew my driver's license. Of course, they have made that much more difficult, now. I have to find a birth certificate, social security card or proof of my SSN. I heartily approve of these measures, I just don't like having to find all this stuff.
Remember I said I spent a lot of time recently trying to get stuff cleaned out of Alesia's room, to turn it into a Guest Room? I got a lot done on that. I'm still not through, but I am a lot closer. The photo below shows part of it.
The little bedside lamp belonged to my grandmother and was probably made in the 1920's. The blue bookcase was made for my great grandmother and is probably about 75 years old. It's been painted numerous times.
The mirrored washstand is an antique [but not a fine one] and I bought it and painted it years ago. We are having a houseguest next week, so I wanted the room to look fresh and inviting...