Sorry, the soapbox is out and I am fixing to RANT. Fasten your seatbelts.
What is everyone talking about this morning? Miley Cyrus acted crude and lewd at the VMA awards last night. That isn't talent. That is a mentally disturbed young woman. The producers of the show should be ashamed for allowing that performance. She should be ashamed. That sort of crap is exactly why we don't watch much TV here at my house.
But Americans are spoonfed their news like pap to mewling infants because we can't be bothered to figure out what is REALLY important in the world.
What SHOULD everyone be talking about? Syria. Read: UN inspectors reach Syria gas victims despite coming under fire. President Obama has said poison gas means the US will intervene, although U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel "said any operation would be coordinated with allies." Really? That's supposed to make us feel better?
The Iraq war that cost thousands of American soldiers their lives, their limbs, and/or their mental health, that was "coordinated with allies" too. At least there it was clear who we were fighting against. In Syria, it's not clear who is bad or good, or what group was even responsible for the gas attacks.
We're killing people in Pakistan with drones.
We are not exactly popular in the Middle East right now, ya'll.
This should scare you: Syria's Assad says US military will fail if it intervenes. That was an interview with Russian media. Guess whose side Russia is on?? Not ours.
This could be the runup to World War III and it won't be pretty if it happens.
I say, let's stay OUT of this one. Let them handle it. The older I get, the more isolationist I feel. I have friends whose sons are in the military. They don't deserve to die because of some war in another part of the world where we have no business interfering.
But going back to the news: Americans needs to turn off the Infotainment News on TV and read Reuters, or The New York Times, or any news source that is credible. I like BBC World on NPR because hey, we find out that elsewhere in the world, nobody gives a crap about Miley Cyrus or the White House pets, or any other idiotic "news." Elsewhere in the world, people care about issues.
All the kids raised on the infotainment that passes as news these days will be running our social security checks and nursing homes in the not too distant future, if we don't get nuked in World War III soon. If that doesn't scare you, it should...