Wicked busy day today, and tomorrow won't be much better, BUT - I made Julia's chocolate mousse! Actually, I made David Lebovitz's adaptation of Julia's mousse, but hey, it was fabulous.
I had to get the oil changed in the car and go to the grocery store and buy the mousse ingredients, then come home and eat lunch before getting in the car at 2:30 to haul it up to Roswell [30-45 minutes] for Michael's tennis match.
This was the view when we got out of the car for Michael's match. Whoa. Michael said "There are a lot of rich people here. Will they be nice?!"
I had no idea. I assured him there are plenty of rich people who are nice. Not all, but in the world of juniors tennis, my experience has been 99% of the time people are nice, whether it's a fancy country club, or a modest neighborhood swim and tennis place.
This place had a TV in a sheltered area above the tennis courts, ice water on tap everywhere, and it was quite ritzy. Everyone was nice.
Michael lost his singles match.. He's getting really tired of losing. He's a really good player, but we need to work on his serve and I just have to help him stay motivated, if possible.
So I didn't get to make the mousse before tennis, which was the original plan. I came home and told Mom I wasn't sure I was up for making it, but Michael pitched a fit.
This was after he took out his tennis frustration by grabbing an axe and attacking a big log in the back yard. Can you say "firepit party"??
So, I started cooking.
I had to spend a lot of time whisking egg yolks with sugar and a bit of rum. YUM.
Then I had to cool it down.
The chocolate mixture was easy. I did part of it in the microwave. [I can hear Julia flipping over in her grave as we speak!]
This was right before I folded in the egg whites and the chocolate mixture.
Michael thought it would be fun to lick the egg white beaters.
He won't ever do THAT again. LOL
We were patient for about 4 hours, letting it firm up in the fridge, but then Mother said she had to try some.
It may not look great here, just because I am an awful photographer, but MAN was that awesome. Chocolate Mousse ROCKS!