OK, gotta get up on my soapbox here for a minute. I've never particularly like Oprah or disliked Oprah, but now I flatly despise her.
In an interview in Great Britain the other day she said racism will die out when old white southern people die. You can read it here.
I also like this view of it in the Chicago Tribune, here.
She also said that anyone who criticizes the president is a racist. That's a lot easier than defending him substantively, at a time when 61% of Americans disapprove of him. I have a lot of friends and family who don't like Obama's policies and actions, and none of them are racist.
“There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die,” she said.
She implies that the only racists around are old southern white people. Umm.... I don't think so. I actually think racism is everywhere. It's against every race in the world, in every culture, in some form or another.
However silly and untrue her statement, the fact that Oprah's remarks upset my mother, who is 79 years old, and is very southern and is NOT a racist - that's unconscionable.
It actually proves Oprah is a racist. She is lumping all old southern white people into one category, saying they are all alike.
When my mom was young, the Republican party was the party of progress, and change. The Democrats were the ones [like George Wallace] who were racist, and who were haters. Mom joined the side she felt like was the right side. She faced criticism from family and friends. She got into arguments. She and Dad stood by their principles.
They also taught their kids not to be racists.
We had black maids, at times, when we lived in Augusta. I was taught to be respectful of them, always. I was never allowed to be mean or rude to any black person.
My dad was instrumental in his bank hiring its first black branch manager in the 70's.
My mom is proud to have a Cherokee great grandmother. Not ashamed.
I am southern. My people have been here for generations. I recently learned [through 23andMe testing] that I am 99.3% of European ancestry, but I am .5% African. So as far as I am concerned, I am "mixed."
You know what? I bet 99.99% of all the folks in America are mixed.
I bet some of them are racist. I bet some of them live in New York, Arizona, Alaska, Idaho - racists are everywhere.
So if an old white racist dies who is also part black, is that a victory or a defeat for racism?
Not really so simple, is it? [sorry, I digressed a bit]
Oprah's statement reveals a lot about her, and her character. It reveals an inability to acknowledge the complexity of the problem of racism. It was an attempt to get publicity for a movie.
Is every southern white person over age 70 a racist? No. Some are, yes. They are dying off.Their deaths are not solving the problem, though. They leave behind children, grandchildren, etc.
The idea of racism controlling America took a hit when we elected Barack Obama. It's still crumbling. It may take a while, but I believe we are becoming a less racist society.
I don't think Oprah is helping the cause though. She is just sounding alarmingly desperate and out of step.
I think we will make great strides in this country against racism when we elect a black president who is a true leader, and who builds America up. Too bad we have to wait a while for that.