Really super busy day here, but very good, too, on many levels.
We got the 2 carpets in the downstairs cleaned this morning by a company called ZeroRez. Coco had been so sick and I just couldn't keep up with spot cleaning, so we decided to go ahead and get the carpets cleaned. Hopefully they will stay that way for a while now, since Lola is housebroken.
Then we had to get the bug guy out here, late morning. It was terrible telling him about Coco. She absolutely adored him and would bark insanely whenever he came. He's a very gentle guy who has been coming several times a year for years now. He's very good with dogs.
We've had a horrible time this year with box elder bugs. Joe said it was the result of all the rain we've had over the summer.
I think sometimes I would love to be able to time travel, and then I ponder the notion that there were no pest control companies 100 years ago, I don't think.
The highlight of the day, however, was that Michael was able to go down to Georgia Tech late this afternoon and spend some time with the women's tennis coach Rodney Harmon, who I met through a friend of a friend. Rodney is one of the nicest guys around, and he took the time to give Michael a lot of valuable pointers about his tennis game, and some pointers about life. I was listening and everything he said was very true, and Mike listened.
Probably the most valuable thing he said to Mike was that you have to not lose your temper when you play. You win by not out-playing the opponent, but by out-thinking them.
I told Mom that and she just nodded. She's the daughter of a professional baseball player.
He also said there are going to be ups and downs, and you have to remember that when things look bleak. It evens out. You have to be philosophical.
Great life lessons.
He encouraged Mike to do his schoolwork, and work on his serve, and come to see the Tech tennis matches in January and February, which would be fun for Michael.
When we were in the car going home Michael said "I thought I was going to just get a tennis lesson, and I got a life lesson..." He wasn't mad. He was incredulous, especially after I told him Rodney's background, which is amazing. For instance Rodney coached tennis in the 2008 Olympics.
The tennis lesson was done as a favor, and may or may not ever happen again, but the nice thing is that Michael feels encouraged about tennis, and knows someone outside our normal circle cares about him. What a huge blessing.