The past two days have just been beyond strange. Bad storms were predicted and there were no bad storms. Monday night and last night we had a bunch of rain and wind, but nothing to get excited about for our little family.
We've had some drama that had nothing to do with weather, though.
Certainly no tornadoes here, thanks be to God.
Michael got a new prosthetic hand this morning, but he doesn't like it. We may be seeing the end of him wearing a prosthesis. Most upper limb amputees choose to forego prosthetics because they can get along better without them. It's just a matter of not being self-conscious.
Sometimes I think my son is very mature, and sometimes he says stuff that makes me want to pull my hair out. He stays mad at the gym teacher because she insists the kids dress out. He considers golf shorts acceptable, since they are for a sport. She disagrees. I told him today, with great exasperation, "It's her class and her world. YOU have to conform." He was irritated.
Was I that opinionated and argumentative at 17?! Probably. I never would've bucked a teacher's edict like that, though. I've had a couple of calls with the teacher, apologizing and telling her I am not able to get him to conform. He'd rather take a zero than just take a pair of gym shorts and put them on!
I asked him to clean out a front flowerbed of English ivy this afternoon. The ivy is taking over. He did a sorry job and then took his pay from Mother and went to the mall while I was working. I called him and told him I want that ivy cleanout done asap.
I've had evening will signings for the past three days, so food around here has been not awesome. Leftovers and sandwiches. That's no excuse to be a butthead.
Tonight I made homemade spaghetti.
I cannot believe tomorrow is MAY. Wow.
Michael starts lifeguarding this weekend. That will be an interesting challenge for him. We are still working out his work schedule, and we had an interesting discussion today about the importance of being organized and using a paper calendar as well as an electronic one. I believe in backups.
I used to think that by the time my younger child was 17 I would be mostly done with the heavy lifting of parenthood.
Ha! Was I delusional or what!?